Making a claim from your insurance company should not be a burden to you. Rather, it should be a seamless process that ultimately leads to your satisfaction at the end of the day. This process begins with knowing what to do when you suffer a loss. At Regency Alliance, our team of Claims handlers is always on hand to ensure that your claim is handled smoothly and promptly too.
To report your claim online, download the applicable Claim from the link below and upload the completed form to and our team of Claim handlers will immediately contact you for a follow up.
In the event of a motor claim, the Insured/Driver is expected to take the following steps:
- Do not engage in unwarranted altercation or argument over who is right or wrong.
- Take all reasonable steps to safeguard the Motor vehicle from further loss or damage
- Take the necessary steps to report the incident to the nearest police station or Contact us immediately.
- If other vehicle(s) is/are involved in the accident, obtain the names and details of the Driver(s) including but not limited to copies of his/their Vehicle Registration Particulars and Insurance as well as an account of an eye witness.
- Obtain on the spot photos of the scene of accident and the damaged portion of the vehicles
- Ensure that the claim is notified to the Company within the Notification period as stipulated in the policy along with all relevant substantiating documents as indicated below.
- Do not be coerced unnecessarily into a commitment of admission of liability, offer, promise, or payment to be made on your behalf without first contacting us.
- Where bodily injury or theft is concerned, it should be reported to the nearest police authorities.
Documents Required in Claim Processing
Accidental/Third Party Property Damage/Vandalism
- Completed Claims Form
- Estimate(s) of Repairs
- Police Report and Correspondence (unanswered) – If there is vandalism or if third party is involved.
- Negligent Third party’s contact details as well as copies of his Insurance documents
- Photographs of the Damaged Vehicle
- Original Vehicle Particulars and Purchase Documents including proof of ownership in case of Total Loss
- Ignition Keys in case of Total Loss
- Insurance Certificate in case of Total Loss
- Copy of the Driver’s license as at time of the accident
Third Party Liability – Death & Bodily Injury
- Completed Claims Form
- Police Report of the Accident
- Medical Report/Bill/Payment Receipts for Bodily Injury
- Burial Certificate or Coroner’s Report
- Death Certificate
- Correspondence from third party must be forwarded immediately.
Theft Incidence
- Original Vehicle Particulars and Purchase Documents including proof of ownership
- Police Report
- Evidence of installation of Lock and Immobilizer Device
- Ignition Keys including Spares
- Letter of Transfer of ownership to Regency Alliance insurance Plc
NB: Please note that a reasonable waiting period is usually applicable to allow for conclusion of recovery investigation.
Submit the completed claims form and the following:
- Photograph of the damaged property.
- Fire service report on the incident.
- Quotation from at least two reputable contractors of the insured’s choice.
- Bill of Quantity if applicable.
- Internal Investigation Report.
- Invoice/Receipt for contents only.
- Executed Discharge Voucher

Goods in Transit
Submit the completed claims form and the following:
- Photograph of the accidented vehicle with goods.
- On the spot inspection report.
- Statement of Claim
- Delivery way bills/invoice
- Vehicle roadworthiness
- Current price list of the damage goods
- Police Report
- Contract Agreement with Carrier
- Driver/motor boy’s written statement.
- Purchase receipt/invoices if applicable
- Executed Discharge voucher.

Submit the completed claims form and the following:
- Police Report
- Written statement of security Guards on duty at the time of the loss.
- Stock cards for contents only.
- Copy of the written agreement between the claimant and contract security company if applicable.
- Purchase receipt/invoice of the stolen items.
- Estimate of repairs for damage to doors, keys etc.
- Executed Discharge Voucher
- Photograph

Group Personal Accident (GPA)
Injury claim
Submit the completed claims form and the following:
- Medical Report
- Medical bills/receipt
- Excuse duty Certificate
- 2 Months Payslip Prior to accident
- Executed Discharge Voucher
- Photograph
Death claims
Submit the completed claims form and the following:
- Death Certificate
- Letter of Administration (Optional)
- Two-month payslip prior to accident (where applicable)
- Death/Burial Certificate
- Executed Discharge Voucher
- Photograph/publication

Employer Liability
Submit the completed claims form and the following:
Injury claims
- Medical Bills/Receipts
- Medical Report
- Excuse Duty Certificate
- 3 Months Pay slip prior to the month of injury
- Medical Report Stating percentage of disability if any
- Executed Discharge Voucher
- Photograph
- Discharge Certificate
Death claims
- 3 months’ pay slip prior to month of accident
- Death Certificate
- Post Mortem Report
- Burial Certificate
- Police Report
- Deed of Discharge (Discharge Voucher)
Consequential Loss (Loss of Profit) Claims
- Audited Account for at least two years prior to the loss
- Letter of Claim
- Statement of Claims
- Completed Claim’s form
- Internal Investigation Report
- Executed Discharge Voucher

Money Insurance
Submit the completed claims form and the following:
- Police Report
- Letter of Claim
- Account book to prove quantum of loss
- Written statements from the affected staff
- Executed Discharge Voucher
- Internal Investigation Report (incorporated in Loss Adjusters’ Report)
- Photograph

Marine/Aviation Cargo
Submit the completed claims form and the following:
- Original policy or Certificate of Insurance
- Original or copy of shipping Invoices together with shipping specifications and or weight notes.
- Original bill of lading and or contract of carriage
- Survey Report of documentary evidence to show the extent of loss or damage.
- Short landing Certificate issued by the carrier or Arrival Port Authorities
- Discrepancy Certificate issued by the carrier or Arrival Port Authorities
- A copy of correspondence exchanged with the carriers and other parties regarding their liability for the loss or damage.
- Executed Discharge Voucher

Fidelity Guarantee
Submit the completed claims form and the following (interim and final):
- Police Report
- Internal Investigation Report
- Copies of queries issued to the employees involved and replies.
- Stock/Account’s record (if applicable)
- Written Statement from the affected employee
- Evidence of the culprit’s final entitlements.
- Evidence of Prosecution
- Executed Discharge Voucher

Contractor All Risk
Collapse claim
Submit the completed claims form and the following:
- Surveyor’s Inspection Report
- Estimate of Loss
- Structural Plan
- Loss Adjusters Report or In-house Adjustment Report
- Executed Discharge Voucher
- Photograph

General Liability
Third Party Property Damage (TPPD)
Submit the completed claims form and the following:
- Letter of Claim from the third party
- Police Report
- Estimate of Repairs
- Loss Adjusters Report or Internal Investigation Report/Adjustment.
- Invoice/Receipt where applicable
- Executed Discharge Voucher
Liability – Injury
Submit the completed claims form and the following:
- Police Report
- Medical Report
- Medical bill/Receipt
- Evidence of earnings (pay slips)
- Evidence of age
- Executed Discharge Voucher
Liability – Death
Submit the completed claims form and the following:
- Death Certificate
- Burial Certificate
- Evidence of income (pay slips, etc)
- Evidence of age
- Age and status of the dependant
- Police Report
- Executed Discharge

Machinery Breakdown
Submit the completed claims form and the following:
- Purchase, Receipt for total loss claim
- Manufacturers catalogue
- Engineers’ Report
- Estimate of Repairs for partial losses
- Loss Adjuster Report
- Inspection Report
- Discharge Voucher

Erection All Risk
Submit the completed claims form and the following:
- Contract Agreement
- Estimate of Repairs
- Purchase Receipt/Invoice
- Engineers/Loss Adjusters Report
- Structural Design/Plan
- Executed Discharge Voucher
- Photograph

Submit the completed claims form and the following:
- Letter of notice of non-performance/default from the Principal
- Demand notice and Estimate of Claim
- Acknowledgement/Response of the alleged Defaulting Contractor
- Negotiation for extension of expiration period of bond (where necessary)
- Estimate of job done to date by a valuer/quantity surveyor where necessary
- Joint reconciliation of the Extent of Work Not Performed
- Negotiation of performance option
- Executed Discharge Voucher for Ascertained Liability
- Contractor indemnify – invocation of letter of indemnity

The company can exercise her discretion to waive any of the above claims supporting documents or conduct further investigation depending on exigencies involved.